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A Chase Sapphire Experience, powered by MACRO
Calling all Bison, HU alumni, and aspiring media and entertainment industry professionals! Come learn how to get to Hollywood!
Howard University - The Yard
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Doors open at 11 am
The program begins 12 pm

MACRO Returns to the Howard University Meccaverse!
Film Screening | Watch All

4th Annual MACRO HBCU Summit
The 4th Annual MACRO HBCU Entertainment is proud to make its return to Howard University, where it all started! This year, we are honored to have the overwhelming support of our new presenting sponsor, Chase Sapphire. Thank you for your commitment to celebrating culture and championing Black voices. Your engagement alongside MACRO allows students to learn from conversations and inspirational messages from notable talent and change-makers in the entertainment business. Thank you!
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